Terms & Conditions

Last updated: May 27th, 2024

Introduction - User Agreement

These Terms & Conditions apply to heimo.io, heimo.se and any other similar sites, apps, communications and services ("Services") owned by, and distributed by the Swedish company and legal entity Heimo Group AB, with corporate identity number 559420-7028, further referred to as ("us"), ("we"), ("our"), ("heimo"), ("Heimo").

is a digital tool and platform tailor-made for people looking to safely and easily rent out, borrow, host, or by other means share their home with friends, friends-of-friends, or trusted recurring guests. Get access to see, share, rent or borrow homes through personal invitations to homes from people you know.

By registering for, accessing, or using any of our Services described below, you are acknowledging your acceptance of a legally binding Agreement ("Agreement" or "User Agreement") with Heimo Group AB. If you do not agree with this Agreement, do not click on "Sign Up" (or similar) and do not access or use any of our Services.

If you wish to terminate this agreement, you can do so at any time by requesting to delete your account from your profile settings, by contacting us at [email protected], and by no longer accessing, nor using, our Services.

This Agreement covers all Services provided by Heimo Group AB, which includes heimo.io, heimo.se and any other similar related sites, applications, and services provided by us. Users who register at any of our Services are called "Members," while non-registered users are called "Visitors." This Agreement applies to both Members and Visitors.

You are entering into this Agreement with Heimo Group AB. As a Member or Visitor of any of our Services, the collection, sharing and use of your personal data is also subject to our Privacy Policy.Our Services for Members can be used and accessed for people globally, and may contain Services, features, and content that are not, and will not, be available in your country of residence.

Our Services are controlled and delivered by Heimo Group AB from Sweden, in the European Union, and we make no representation or guarantee that our Services, features or content, are appropriate or available for use in other locations than within the EU, EEA, UK and Switzerland. Visitors or Members who access or use our Services from other countries, do so at their own discretion, and are personally responsible for ensuring compliance with national, local, and community regulations and law.

Data controller

Heimo Group AB, a Swedish company and legal entity, with corporate identity number 559420-7028 is the controller for processing your personal data provided to, collected by or for, or processed in connection with the use of our Services.

As a Member or Visitor of our Services, all data collection, use and sharing of personal data is subject to our Privacy Policy.

Members, Hosts, Guests & Visitors

By registering and joining any Services provided by Heimo Group AB, you will become a Member. As a Member, we may further refer to you as a Host (“Host”) or a Guest (“Guest”), where the following applies:

Hosts: Refer to Members who have added a home, or multiple homes, to their profile on heimo. A Host can also be a Member added as a Host to an existing Home on heimo, created and published by another already existing Host.

Guests: Refer to Members who have been invited to get access to another Members, or multiple Members, homes on heimo.

Members can be both a Host as well as a Guest, for example in the event that the Member has both added a home, or multiple homes, as well as having joined another Members, or multiple Members, homes as an invited Guest.

If you choose not to register for any of our Services, you can still access and use certain features as a Visitor.

Changes and Updates

We reserve the right to modify, change, and update this Agreement, and our Privacy Policy periodically.

If we make substantial changes, we will notify you through our Services, or other similar means, for you to review the changes. We further acknowledge that changes cannot be retroactive.

If you disagree to any changes, we urge you to stop using our Services, and you may terminate your account from profile settings, orby contacting us at [email protected].

By continuing to use our Services after receiving notice of changes to the terms of this Agreement, you consent to the updated terms as of their effective date.


Service Eligibility

Our Services are intended for Individuals who are at least 18 years old, unless any law or other regulations requires an older age for lawful use of our Services without parental consent, then the minimum age is instead that age specified by the law or regulation.

In order to use our Services asa Member, you first need to agree to that you: (1) are at least 18 years old, (2) create and maintain only one Member account at heimo under your real name, and (3) are not currently restricted or prohibited by heimo from using any of our Services.

Creating an account using false or incorrect information, or creating an account for other individuals, or individuals under 18 years of age, is a violation of our terms.

Your Account at heimo

As a Member of heimo, you agree to always: (1) maintain a strong and confidential password, (2) refrain from transferring any part of your account, and (3) comply with all applicable laws and regulations. You are always personally responsible for all activity that occurs under your account, unless you report any misuse or close it. Your account belongs to you, not to others.

You can register for an account to become a Member, as well as sign in to your existing Member's account, with either (1), a personal and verified email address and a personal and secure password, or through (2) your personal Google account. If you create an account that’s linked to your personal Google account, you will only have to provide your login details to the linked Google account to create your account on heimo. By entering your Google login details, you’re granting us permission to share certain information with Google and display this information on our Services.

Please note that our Services for Members can be used and accessed for people globally, and may contain Services, features, and content that are not, and will not, be available in your country of residence. Our Services are controlled and delivered by Heimo Group AB from Sweden, in the European Union, and we make no representation or guarantee that our Services, features or content, are appropriate or available for use in other locations than within the EU, EEA, UK and Switzerland.

Visitors or Members who access or use our Services from other countries, do so at their own discretion, and are personally responsible for ensuring compliance with national, local, and community regulations and law.

Payments & Costs

It is currently free to become a Member, create an account, add and share a home and maintain a profile on heimo.

In the event that we would offer Premium Services, or any other Services or features requiring your payment, you agree to pay us the applicable fees and taxes only if you first decide to upgrade to Premium, or use any of the paid Services or features.

Failure to pay these fees will lead to the termination of your access to our paid Services, and potentially a termination of your access to use all of our Services, including free Services.

To use any of our Premium Services, or any other Services or features requiring your payment, you may be required to first also agree to additional terms and conditions specific for any paid Services, before you get access to said services.

We also reserve the right for the possibility to, in the future, change our pricing for certain features, and if so, you as a Member will always be notified in advance, for you to be able to take a decision on if you want to continue using our Services or not.

Messaging, Communication & Bookings

By agreeing to the terms set out in this Agreement, you agree to receive notifications and messages from us through the following means: (1) within the Service, or (2) sent to the contact information you provided us, such as email or mobile number. It is very important, and always your personal responsibility, to ensure that your contact information is up to date.

If you decide to contact us, or other Members, via any of the available contact ways such as instant messaging, email, contact forms or similar ways of communication through our Services, you may receive direct responses via our Services. You may also get contacted outside our Services through any of the contact information you provided to us, or other Members. We are not responsible for any communication between you and other Members outside our Services.

By using any of the available contact ways, for example our instant messaging function, contact forms or through contact information made available to you from our Services, to get in contact with other Members, you agree to not send or share any illegal, harmful, graphic, discriminating, inappropriate, shocking, harassing, sensitive, or any similar kind of content. 

You also agree that all communication regarding booking requests, bookings, as well as terms, contracts, house rules and similar, is always the full responsibility between yourself and other Members, acting as Hosts and Guests in relation to the booking of a home. You also agree to not share or promote any content by, or related to, competitors of heimo, any illegal actions, organisations or similar activities or content through any of the available contact ways within our Services. 

You are never allowed to spam other Members with requests, booking requests, junk posts, instant messages or through any of the other contact ways, and we also urge you to never send, post, re-share or click on any suspicious, or potentially harmful third-party links sent to you by other Members.

If you receive any messages with content which you suspect might conflict with what is stated in this section of these terms, we urge you to immediately report the Member, as well as the content, to us.

If we suspect or get notified about your potential misuse of any of the available contact ways from within our Services, you may be suspended from using our Services and your account may be permanently deleted.

Information sharing

Our Services enable you to share information on your profile and with other Members, for example but not limited to, via your profile, your home(s), posts, instant messaging, comments, interactions, among others.

Please note that anything you post or share may be visible to other Members, Visitors, or third parties. We always value your privacy, and may provide you with certain settings for certain features, so that you can control who can see some of your content or information, shared content, and profile visibility.

We reserve the right to remove any content or information from our Services with or without upfront notice.

Your Home on heimo

Our Services enable our Members to create and publish their home, or multiple homes, on our Services through their personal profile and share them with other personally invited Members. All homes, including all information about the home, availability, fees and similar info, published via our Services must always be true, accurate, and compliant with all relevant and appropriate regulations and legislations.

In order to be able to publish and have a home active on heimo, we encourage that our Members have a complete profile, including a profile photo of yourself in good quality, your full name (first name and last name).

Further, and as part of adding homes as a Member, you can make it available for your personally invited Guests to rent, borrow, or by similar means share your home with your Guests. Hosts can add available dates to their home, or homes, only visible for invited Guests. Guests can send requests to book the home, parts of the home, or similar, on available dates directly to the Host. All communication around availability, bookings, payments, contracts or similar are always handled between the Host and the Guest, who both share the full responsibility of ensuring everything needed is in order, and in compliance with national and local regulations and laws.

This feature is limited to, and only allowed to be used by Individuals, and we do not allow any businesses, for example but not limited to, professional rental companies, rental managers and/or similar companies to use heimo. If you suspect, or receive an offer for professional help from a Member, we urge you to report the Member to us immediately. We also urge you to never accept, hire or proceed with any offerings of professional help by Members. If you as a Member were to offer professional services to other Members via our Services, we will take appropriate action and with or without upfront notice, suspend and/or permanently delete your account.

You are under no circumstances allowed to post fake homes, dummy homes, unlawful offers, or any false, illegal or misleading information to your home. You are always personally responsible for your homes and that all the information you add to your homes is not in conflict with applicable laws and regulations, and the content of any homes you create, including any errors or inaccuracies is your personal responsibility.

We have no liability to you or any other person for the content of any homes created, bookings requests, bookings or other terms tied to a booking of a home, made via our Services.

You can always edit or deactivate any home you have published at any time through your profile. When you create a home and make it available to rent, borrow or similar, through our Services, you also guarantee that you have all the necessary licenses, permits or similar, needed in order to publish your home.

To get access to a home as a Guest, you must first be invited to the home by the Host, made available through the Hosts personal invitation link connected to each home added on heimo. It is, in general, only the Host for a specific home that should share and distribute the invite link to the home, to invite people outside the platform to get access as Guests. Without explicit permission from the Host of a home, it’s never encouraged for Guests, Members and Visitors to re-share, distribute, post or by other similar means share the invitation link to a home to others. If you as a Host suspect that, you can always reset your home’s personal invitation link, which will reset and make all previous links unavailable.

It is further never allowed for Visitors or Members, other than the Member who is the owner of the home, to copy, distribute, scrape, re-use, re-publish or by any other similar means repost homes, or home information, originally created on heimo, as homes on any other housing platform. If you suspect that a home originally created on heimo has been published without consent on another housing platform, we urge you to report that to us so that we can take action.

Members who are home owners are, however, always encouraged to share the original listing from heimo via other external platforms and services, for the benefit of sharing the home to friends, family and others, and increasing the number of trusted Guests with access to your home.

We reserve the right to remove any homes, posts or similar content or information from our Services with or without upfront notice.

Other information

At times, we will introduce new features to our Services which may necessitate the collection of new personal information. Should we collect significantly different personal data or make significant changes to our data collection, usage, or sharing practices, we will always inform you and may modify our Privacy Policy accordingly.

Our Services may contain links to other websites, provided by us or by our Members, and these links are not operated nor secured as safe to visit by us. If you decide to click on any third-party link, you will be redirected to that third party's website, and we strongly advise you to always review the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions of every site you visit.

We also want to stress that we have no control over, and have no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, terms and conditions, and/or practices of any third-party websites or services you may visit. If you suspect that a link provided by us, or a Member, via our Services might lead to a malicious, or by other means potentially harmful website, we urge you to report that to us as soon as possible by sending us an email to [email protected].

When Members coordinate regarding making a home available to rent, borrow, share with other Members, the relationship is solely between those Members, and heimo is not a party to, or part of that relationship, between the Members. It is always solely on the Members personal responsibility to agree to any rules or responsibilities with respect to renting, borrowing or sharing of a home.

Members also have the sole responsibility for taking proper due diligence with respect to renting, sharing or borrowing homes from other Members. heimo has no control over, and does not guarantee the existence, quality, safety or legality of the information provided, or the home offered through the Services by Members, the truthfulness or accuracy of the content, including homes, or the ability of Members to rent, borrow or share. Members are further solely responsible for agreeing on terms, payments, home policies and similar when renting out, borrowing, sharing, as well as renting homes from other Members.

Rights & Limitations

Your Licence to Heimo Group AB

You own all content and information you submit, so called user-generated content, to our Services, and you are only granting us the following non-exclusive licence: A global, transferable and sublicensable right to use, copy, modify, distribute, publish and/or process content and information that you provide to our Services, without further consent, notice and/or compensation to you or others.

These aforementioned rights are limited in the following ways:
- For specific content, you may end this license by deleting said content from our Services, or by deleting your account, with the exception of if you have shared the content with others and they have, as part of our Services, copied, re-shared or stored said content, allowing for the time needed it takes to remove such content.

- Without your explicit and separate consent, we will not share nor include your content in any advertising of our Products and Services for third parties. We will, however, have the right to include, without separate consent and without payment to you or others, your content and information, and other actions performed when using our Services, to serve ads near your content and information.

- We may translate or in other ways modify your content and information, for example removing metadata, changing layout and/or file type, but we will not modify the meaning and core of the information and content itself.

- As we only have a non-exclusive right to your content and information, you may want to make it available for others.

Availability to our Services

Access and availability to our Services may change, and we have the right to suspend or discontinue any of our Services, as well as to modify and make changes to our prices, plans and features, effective upon reasonable notice in accordance with applicable law.

We do not promise to store or provide access to any information and content which you have created through our Services, as we are not a data storage service.

By using our Services, you agree that we have no obligation to store, maintain or provide a copy of any content or information which you have created using our Services, with the exception if it would be required by applicable law.

Profiles, Homes, Posts - Content 

While using our Services, you may find content, information about people, profiles, homes, messages, or other similar information which might be misleading, inaccurate, offensive or otherwise harmful.

In general, heimo does not monitor nor review all content, or user-generated content, provided by our Members, or others, on any of our Services, and you agree that we are not responsible for any content and information created by our Members, or others.

Even though we certainly want to avoid it at all costs, and we always prioritise the safety for our Members while using our Services, we can not guarantee to always prevent potential misuse of our Services, and you agree that we are not responsible for any misuse.

You may get assistance via heimo to find and visit external sites. You agree that heimo is not responsible for such sites and events, and we do not review, vet or in general guarantee the quality of any such sites nor events.


Heimo reserves all the rights to limit your use of our Services, including but not limited to your number of booking requests, number of homes, available dates, number of messages, and your general ability to create content, and in other similar ways interact and communicate with other Members.

We reserve the right to restrict access, suspend, or terminate your account if you breach this Agreement, if you break any applicable law using our Services or in any other way are misusing our Services.

Intellectual Property Rights

Heimo reserves all of its intellectual property rights in our Services. Any trademarks, logos or similar intellectual property used in connection to our Services are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

Heimo, our logo, graphics and other trademarks owned by Heimo Group AB and used for our Services, are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Heimo.

Disclaimers & Limitations of Liability

Warranty Disclaimer


Limitation of Liability


Other Disclaimers

As a Member or Visitor using our Services, you understand and agree to that Heimo Group AB is not; (1) a registered real estate agency; (2) a registered real estate rental agency; (3) acting as a real estate agency or assigned mediator in property rental opportunities between Members; (4) acting as a rental agency or assigned mediator in rental opportunities between Members;(5) is not a party to any rental agreements between Members; (6) liable, in control of, or responsible, for the truthfulness of any information provided by Members, such as but not limited to, legally required information about certificates, registrations, licences and other similar requirements, Member-provided Services, the quality of Member-provided Services, or any legally required information or disclosures about homes, information and other content provided by Members.

Termination of this Agreement

This Agreement may at any time be terminated by both you and Heimo Group AB, with notice to the other.You lose the right to access or use the Services upon termination.

After termination, you agree to that Heimo will still have the right to: (1) Execute on our rights to use and disclose your feedback to us; (2)Members and/or Visitors’ rights to further re-share content and information you shared through the Services as a Member; (3) Any amounts owed by either party prior to termination remain owed after termination.

Further, the sections in this Agreement tied to Disclaimers & Limitations of Liability, Legal Jurisdiction & Dispute Resolution, General Terms, and Heimo Community Policy, will all still apply even after the event of a termination of the Agreement.

You can request to delete your account directly from within the product on your profile, or by contacting us at [email protected], and once the account is deleted and you have received a confirmation of the deletion, this Agreement between you and us is also considered terminated.

We reserve the right to terminate this Agreement and permanently delete your profile and account, together with all the data and information connected to your profile and account, if you were to breach anything in this Agreement.

Please note that once you decide to delete your account, you will not be able to re-activate your account or retrieve any of the content, recommendations, connections, or other information you have added, or obtained, via our Services.

Legal Jurisdiction & Dispute Resolution

This Agreement and these Terms & Conditions shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws and regulations of Sweden, without reference to its conflicts of law provisions.

Any dispute or claim arising out of, or in connection with this Agreement, or any breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be finally settled by the responsible court in Sweden as the first instance.

General Terms

If any part of this Agreement is found unenforceable by a court with authority, we both agree that the court should modify said terms to make them enforceable, while still achieving its original intent.

If the court is unable to do so, we both agree to allow the court to remove that unenforceable part of this Agreement, and still enforce the rest of this Agreement.This Agreement (including any additional terms that may be provided by us when you engage with a specific feature of our Services) is the only Agreement between us regarding our Services, and supersedes all prior Agreements for our Services.

If we do not act to enforce a breach of this Agreement, that should not mean that Heimo has waived its right to enforce this Agreement.

You may not assign or transfer this Agreement, your membership, your account, or your use of our Services to anyone else without our consent. However, you agree that Heimo Group AB may assign this Agreement to any future affiliates or third-parties in the event of any third-party acquiring Heimo, without your prior consent.

Heimo Member Policies

As a Member at heimo, you agree to always stay true to, and follow our Member Policies, further described in this section.

As a Member, you will always:

- Provide accurate and truthful information, and always ensure that you keep all information correct and updated;

- Use your real full name and only add truthful information, documentation, listings and similar through, or on, your Profile;

- Use all our Services in a correct manner;

- Always comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

As a Member at heimo, it is equally important to agree to that you will not:

- Create false Member profiles and/or identities on Heimo, nor create a Member profile for anyone else, nor use or attempt to use an account not belonging to yourself;

- Create false or untruthful information about homes, availability of homes;

- Use, develop or support softwares, devices, scripts, robots, crawlers, browser plugins, or similar means, processes and/or technology, to scrape our Services, copy profiles or any other data from our Services;

- Bypass or override any restrictions or security features;

- Copy, use, disclose or distribute any information which you have obtained from using the Services, neither directly or through third-parties, without our consent;

- Disclose and/or share confidential content and/or information;

- Violate intellectual property rights of others;

- Violate any intellectual property rights of Heimo Group AB;

- Share or in other ways distribute anything which contains harmful content, such as software virus, worms or other harmful code;

- Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or in any other way attempt to derive our source code for our Services or any other related technology tied to our Services;

- Claim or in other ways give impression that you are affiliated with Heimo in any way without our explicit expressed consent;

- Share any deep-links to our Services for other purposes than to share and promote your profile, invite guests, or share homes on our Services, without our explicit consent;

- Monitor the performance and availability of our Services for competitive purposes;

- Monetise on our Services or related data, without our explicit consent;

Content Complaints

Content and information posted, created or in any other way distributed by our Members via our Services should be accurate and not in violation of any intellectual property rights or any other rights of third parties.

You can always contact us as described below to report any infringement or in other ways suspicious content.

Contact us

If you want to contact us regarding anything in these Terms & Conditions, or for any other questions or concerns, you can always send us an email at [email protected]. We aim to respond to all incoming emails within a few days.

Heimo Group AB
Rosenvägen 7, 26261 Ängelholm, Sweden
[email protected]